What’s For Dinner


Dinner time is our family time and dinner prep is something my kids enjoy helping with.  This way they get to decide if something is added or removed from the ingredients of our meal.

Spaghetti is one of our favorite meals.  Not only is it quick and easy but I will usually double the sauce and freeze half for a meal the following week.  It also usually means leftovers which we do the following night.  When it comes to leftover spaghetti we simply mix the sauce and noodles and fry the next day.  Yummm have you tried fried spaghetti.

Recipe for Spaghetti Sauce

  • 450 g ground beef
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 pepper
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 cans of Campbell’s Tomatoe Soup

Brow the ground beef, dice onion, pepper and garlic, and add to ground beef, add salt pepper and cumin and continue to fry until cooked.  (Feel free to add any other veggies you like (celery, mushrooms etc.)

Once cooked add Tomatoe Soup.  If you prefer a thinner sauce simply add 1/2 to 1 can of water.  Did you know I actually use this exact recipe for lasagna Sauce as well.  The only difference is I add 2 cans of water as I use ready made noodles so the sauce soaks up into the noodles.

Simply double this recipe and remove half of the sauce and let cool. Once cooled put in a freezer safe dish and freeze for next week.  Now all you have to do is defrost and heat while your noodles cook. Throw in some garlic toast and a Caesar Salad and you have a healthy homemade meal in 20 min.

I hope you enjoy this delicious meal as much as we do and that you found a simple way to make 2 meals in one.



Meal Prep for the Busy Mom


Many of you who have followed me for a while know that I am a crazy busy momma.  I run 2 buisnesses both of which i love and can’t imagine my life without (dayhome and crochet wear).  But I am also a momma to 3 amazing and crazy busy boys.  With swim club, drum lessons, guitar lessons, soccer, school and preschool you can imagine I dont get much free time, like all busy Momma’s.  We are always running from one place to the next.
Home cooked, heathy meals are something I can’t live without.  Although, I’m sure the boys would love burgers and eating out all the time. However, that’s not how I want to raise my little people.  Those few short minutes as a family at the dinner table no matter how quick are so important.  Its our time to connect.
I thought I would share a quick mommy tip with you today.  On my one day a week that we don’t run all over the place like crazy people, I spend meal prepping.  I make a list of all meals for the week shop and prep.  Today our dinner was chicken stir fry with rice.  I dice the chicken and veggies add all the sauce and throw it in a freezer bag on Sunday.  The night before I take it out and leave it in the fridge.  Now all I have to do is throw it in a frying pan and cook it for 20 minutes.  I cook 3 cups of Minute Rice and Bam dinner is ready and we can fly through our night.

So if your a busy family and looking to make those week days a little easier but still want to enjoy home cooked meals, start planning and start meal prepping. This will save you from that added stress everyday of what’s for dinner.

As I run through my favorite go to dinners I will start sharing some fantastic recipes and what you need to do to prep them for the week.

I hope this will help some of you take the jump into meal prep.  Its fun and you can have the whole family help on meal prep day.  I know my littles love helping in the kitchen.  How about yours?

Have Fun
