Really WTF Cloth


What you need:

Size 5mm/H hook

Roughly 50 yards medium 4 cotton weight yarn, I have used Bernat Handicrafter and I have also used double strand of Cotton Fair

Yarn, crochet hooks and scissors

SL ST – Slip Stitch                                      DC – Double Crochet

CH – Chain                                                   RPT – Repeat

SC – Single Crochet                                    ST – Stitch

RW – Row                                                    SK ST – Skip Stitch


Width: 4 ST = 1″

Length: 2 RW = 1″

Pattern Notes

This is a very simple dishcloth pattern. I started creating word dishcloth patterns shortly after I did a knit version for an order. It’s so fun to be able to create a crochet version that my crochet friends will enjoy. You will only use the DC ST and a CH to create the letters to the word.

Please note that the CH STS will count as a ST.

In order to line up my DC ST a little more in the beginning of each RW I skip the CH 2 STs and the 1St ST and start the DC in the 4th ST directly over the DC below. Then follow the pattern for the RW and your final ST should be placed in the CH 2 ST from the RW below.

DC (Double crochet) – YO, insert hook into next ST, YO, pull through ST (3 loops on hook), YO, Pull through 2 loops, (2 loops on hook), YO, pull through all loops on hook.

Here we go:

CH 35

RW 1 – DC into the 5th CH from the hook, CH 1, SK ST, DC into the next ST, *CH 1, SK ST, DC into the next ST, RPT from * to end of RW, CH 3, turn (33 ST) (17 DC)

RW 2 – DC into the top of 2nd DC, CH 1, SK ST, *DC into top of next DC, CH 1, SK ST, RPT from * to end of RW, CH 2, turn (33 ST) (17 DC)

RW 3 – DC all across, CH 2, turn (33)

RW 4 – RPT RW 3

RW 5 – RPT RW 3

RW 6 – DC next 8, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 6, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 3, CH 1, SK ST, DC last 7, CH 2, turn (33 including CH 2)

RW 7 – DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 3, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 3, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC last 9, CH 2, turn (33 including CH 2)

RW 8 – DC next 8, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 3, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 3, CH 1, SK ST, DC last 5, CH 2, turn (33 including CH 2)

RW 9 – DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 7, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC last 7, CH 2, turn (33 including CH 2)

RW 10 – DC next 8, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 7, CH 1, SK ST, DC last 5, CH 2, turn (33 including CH 2)

RW 11 – DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 7, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC last 9, CH 2, turn (33 including CH 2)

RW 12 – DC next 4, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC, CH 1, SK ST, DC next 7, CH 1, SK ST, DC last 5, CH 2, turn (33 including CH 2)

RW – 13 – DC all across, CH 2, turn (33)

RW – 14 – RPT RW 13

RW – 15 – DC all across, CH 3, turn (33)

RW – 16 – DC into the top of 2nd DC, CH 1, SK ST, *DC into top of next DC, CH 1, SK ST, RPT from * to end of RW, CH 3, turn (33 ST) (17 DC)

RW – 17 – DC into the top of 2nd DC, CH 1, SK ST, *DC into top of next DC, CH 1, SK ST, RPT from * to end of RW (33 ST) (17 DC)

Turn your work so you are working on the front of the cloth. SC 3 in the 1st ST, SC all across, 3 SC in the corner ST, SC across (roughly 28), 3 SC in the corner ST, SC across, 3 SC in corner ST, SC across (roughly 28), SC in the BLO around the boarder 1 more time being sure to crochet 3 SC in each corner ST.

CH 1, cut a 5″ tail and weave in all loose ends.

I hope you enjoy making these dishcloths as much as I do!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

Please note that you are welcome to sell your finished products however, I would appreciate if you link back to me at Teez Topperz when you post or advertise your finished pieces.

Copyright © 2018 Teez Topperz. DO NOT COPY, REPRODUCE, OR PUBLISH IN ANY MANNER. Images are the sole property of Teez Topperz and are not to be used for resale, personal reasons, or any other means. All rights reserved. The sale of your finished product is permitted; however please provide credit for the pattern to Teez Topperz. No part of this document can be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise.


MEOW Dishcloth Knitting Pattern


All these word dishcloths I have been working on and I did write up the pattern for the Knit version of the MEOW dishcloth.  I will be sharing the crochet version pattern in the next few days as well.  Isn’t it fun and perfect for the cat lovers in your life.  PUUURRfection!

What you need

US 10 6.0 mm needles

I prefer to use Cotton Fair from Premier Yarns and I use a double strand roughly 120 yrds.  You may also use Bernat Handicrafter roughly 60 yards.

CO 36

R1-5 K36

R6-  K3 P30 K3

R7- K36

R8- K3 P30 K3

R9- K36

R10- K3 P30 K3

R11- K36

R12- K3 P30 K3

R13- K36

R14- K3 P30 K3

R15- K36

R16- K3 P30 K3

R17- K4 P2 K3 P2 K2 P4 K2 P5 K1 P2 K3 P2 K4

R18- K3 P30 K3

R19- K4 P3 K1 P3 K1 P6 K1 P5 K1 P2 K3 P2 K4

R20- K3 P30 K3

R21- K4 P7 K1 P2 K2 P2 K4 P2 K1 P2 K3 P2 K4

R22- K3 P30 K3

R23- K4 P2 K1 P1 K1 P2 K1 P2 K2 P2 K3 P3 K1 P2 K3 P2 K4

R24- K3 P30 K3

R25- K4 P2 K3 P2 K1 P2 K2 P2 K3 P3 K1 P2 K1 P1 K1 P2 K4

R26- K3 P30 K3

R27- K4 P2 K3 P2 K1 P2 K2 P2 K4 P2 K1 P7 K4

R28- K3 P30 K3

R29- K4 P2 K3 P2 K1 P6 K1 P5 K1 P3 K1 P3 K4

R30- K3 P30 K3

R31- K4 P2 K3 P2 K2 P4 K2 P5 K1 P2 K3 P2 K4

R32- K3 P30 K3

R33-  K36

R34- K3 P30 K3

R35- K36

R36- K3 P30 K3

R37- K36

R38- K3 P30 K3

R39- K36

R40- K3 P30 K3

R41-45 K36

Bind off and weave in all ends.

This pattern will also be added to my ravelry and etsy shop shortly for a very small fee.  If you wish to continue to support me you may also purchase the pattern on those sites.

I hope you enjoy making these  as dish cloths much as I do!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

Please note that you are welcome to sell your finished products however, I would appreciate if you link back to Teez Topperz when you post or advertise your finished pieces.

Copyright © 2018 Teez Topperz. DO NOT COPY, REPRODUCE, OR PUBLISH IN ANY MANNER. Images are the sole property of Teez Topperz and are not to be used for resale, personal reasons, or any other means. All rights reserved. The sale of your finished product is permitted; however please provide credit for the pattern to Teez Topperz. No part of this document can be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise.